Terms of use

Chatroom Conduct:

As a site that welcomes all and with members under the age of 16 we ask that all members keep a friendly attitude within The lounge. The use of language within chat should reflect the acknowledgement of the members online at the time. Although we all know each other very well on site, we must appreciate that at any given time a new member can join and will have immediate access to the chat room and may not fully understand what's going on. We ask that you keep this in mind when interacting within the Lounge. If you often swear, please abbreviate your naughtiness. We are not trying or wanting to censor anyone of course, rather we want to ensure we maintain the very friendly vibe we have on Housemasters radio and meet our obligations to all internal and external parties.

Chatroom Content

At no time should you post content within the chatroom, The Lounge which contain any form of nudity, hate speech, racism or homophobia. By doing so, you will lose your Housemasters account immediately.

If you have any issues or concerns whilst in the lounge you are urged to contact a member of management or our moderation team, they will assist you in all matters. It is extremely unlikely but if you have an issue with any other member, you are able to block all messages and all contact by clicking the ignore tab under a users profile. Again you are urged to contact a member of staff who will action your concerns within 1 hour. Please note our code of conduct is non negotiable, failure to abide will result in an immediate ban from our platform.

For all our global privacy policy please navigate here https://housemasters-radio.com/privacy-policy/